I think there is a gas leak...
So on paper, the hotel looked like a jackpot... it was close to the airport where we would be doing an aerial tour of the Columbia River Gorge, blow out prices, and yes, it even had a pool complete with jacuzzi!
We left Vancouver at about 7pm that Friday for Portland, Oregon. After about five and a half hours of driving we arrived (at what we thought) was our hotel... It was about 1 in the morning when we rocked up to the front desk. We rang the buzzer and to our surprise, an old man emerged from the back room in pajamas. I don't think I've ever seen someone look as tired as he did. I gave him the name of the booking and after about 5 minutes of looking on his out dated 1960's computer he concluded that there was no such reservation.
Great, we were at the wrong hotel in Portland at 1am. After a quick group brainstorming session, we found the correct hotel and headed out again.
Well, guess what? Our name wasn't in the system at this hotel either! And on top of that, the entire hotel had the unmistakable odor of leaking natural gas! Too exhausted to care, we stood at the front desk waiting for the clerk to figure out the situation, which he luckily did.
By the time we were settled in our room, it was about 2:30/3:00 in the morning. We had to be up and at the airport for 7am.
This is the only known picture of the hotel. The crew outside in the morning gearing up for adventure. If you look close enough, you can see the gas leaking out of the open door. LOL